Via: Gamasutra
Gamasutra reports from the Game-Based Learning 2010 Conference, which took place March 29 and 30 in London, on TIGA’s commitment to ensure that Serious Games businesses have an opportunity to apply for Games Tax Relief.
TIGA is the trade association representing the UK’s games industry. Its members include independent games developers, in-house publisher owned developers, outsourcing companies, technology businesses and universities.
TIGA's vision is to make the UK the best place in the world to do games business, focusing on three sets of activities: political representation, generating media coverage and developing services that enhance the competitiveness of our members.
This means that TIGA members are effectively represented in the corridors of power, their voice is heard in the media and they receive benefits that make a material difference to their businesses, including a reduction in costs, improved commercial opportunities and knowledge transfer.
"The UK video games sector is not just important economically and culturally," says TIGA CEO Richard Wilson. "The industry, especially through the use of Serious Games, has the potential to enhance learning and training."
TIGA's latest statements come on the heels of a promise from both the UK's incumbent Labour party and opposing Conservative party to introduce tax breaks for game developers.
"Serious Games have the potential to benefit from Games Tax Relief," says Wilson. "TIGA will work to ensure that serious games businesses have an opportunity to apply for Games Tax Relief.”